Undergraduate Courses in and Resources for Rhetoric and Composition

The RC Program offers five undergraduate courses in Rhetoric and Composition

  • RC 1000: Expository Writing
  • RC 2001: Introduction to Writing Across the Curriculum
  • RC 2000: Writing for Proficiency
  • RC 3400: Advanced Expository Writing
  • RC 3450: Writing Center Theory and Practice

Navigate the corresponding links in the menu bar to learn more about these courses.

Write Click logo with Yosef clicking on a mouse

The Rhetoric and Composition Program is dedicated to helping our students develop a sense of authority in their writing and to practice writing for real audiences. That's why we present the online student publication, WriteClick, to showcase some of our best student work from our RC 1000 (Expository Writing), 2000 (Writing for Proficiency) & 2001 (Writing Across the Curriculum) courses.

Click here to visit our online student publication!